Our Commercial Claim Preparation Service quantifies financial loss
If your business or company has suffered financial loss and you need to prepare, lodge and resolve an insurance claim, we can assist. As claims preparers we are involved on a daily basis in the assessment and submission of claims for events such as:
- fire
- storm
- wind
- flood
- earthquake
- cyclone
- contamination
- impact damage
Claim preparation can impose a considerable time and documentation burden. Our specialists work with you getting to know your business, the nature of the loss, the impact on both property and trading results.
The claims assistance we provide is often for the:
- loss of property (ie. material damage); and
- loss of profit (ie. Business Interruption, Consequential Loss or Economic Loss)
Our claims services are available for the preparation of insurance claims as well as litigation support.
Our exposure to losses over 27 years allows us to suggest loss minimisation strategies and ensure costs incurred to reduce loss are claimed.
Once appointed, your focus can be re-establishing your business, while our specialists will:
- conduct a thorough review of relevant insurance policies and explain in detail how these may respond.
- advise you of the documentation you need to supply to substantiate the loss and present this documentation in a format familiar to loss adjusters, insurers or solicitors.
- prepare comprehensive reports to accompany all claims.
- ensure progress claims are prepared and regular requests for payments made.
In many cases the cost of appointing us to prepare your claim is covered by your insurance policy.